Vitamin E (Pure, Natural & Food Grade)

Vitamin E (Pure, Natural & Food Grade)
(Tocopherol acetate)
Description: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant containing a mixture of d-alpha-totcopherol, d-beta-totcopherol, d-gamma-totcopherol, d-delta-totcopherol, triaglycerols.
(Tocopherol acetate)
Description: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant containing a mixture of d-alpha-totcopherol, d-beta-totcopherol, d-gamma-totcopherol, d-delta-totcopherol, triaglycerols.
The percentage break down of totcopherols in our vitamin E are as follows:
d-alpha-totcopherol 12 – 14%
d-beta-totcopherol 1 – 3%
d-gamma-totcopherol 33-40%
d-delta-totcopherol 18-22%
Common uses: acne treatment creams, skin cleansers and peelers for sensitive skin, lip balms and anti-wrinkle products and more.
Ingredients: 100% natural derived from a natural source (Non GMO Soya bean)
Shelf life: 3 years
Colour: golden
Texture: Thick oil