Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass has a fresh aroma that can be used for fighting jet lag, cellulite, revitalising a tired body and mind and repelling insects.
Lemongrass oil also helps to relieve muscle pain by making the muscle more supple. It helps with correcting poor circulation too.
Tip: Try putting a few drops in the shower to wake you up in the morning!
Lemongrass oil has a lemony, sweet smell and is dark yellow to amber and reddish in color, with a watery viscosity.
Latin Name
Cymbopogon flexuosus
Extraction Method
Steam distilled from the fresh or partly dried leaves of lemongras.
Country of Origin
Lemongrass oil can irritate a sensitive skin, so care should be taken. It should be avoided in pregnancy, due to it being a possible skin irritant.
Chemical Constituents
Myrcene, citronellal, geranyl acetate, nerol, geraniol, neral and traces of limonene and citral