
Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil

This crisp and clean smelling essential oil is great for stimulating the brain, improving memory and mental clarity, while helping with a variety of congested respiratory tract problems and stiff muscles.

It can also help with coldness and boosting the liver and gall bladder, as well as improving hair and scalp health.  It increases the circulation to the scalp and is therefore also effective for promoting hair growth.

It also helps with headaches, migraines, neuralgia, mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

Very recognisable scent with its sharp and fresh green top notes and campherous undertones, stimulating and aiding to concentration, instantly clearing the mind.

Latin Name
Rosemarinus officianlis

Plant Family
Labiate or Lamiacae

Extraction Method
The essential Oil is steam distilled from the flowering tops

Country of Origin

Chemical Constituents
Borneol (Alcohol), Cuminic (Aldehyde), Bornyl acetate (Ester), Camphor, Cineole (Ketones), Caryophyllene (Sesquiterpene), Camphene, Pinene (Terpenes)

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