Facial Exfoliator Base

This fantastically light cream with a super smooth pumice in natural suspension naturally but gently exfoliates dead skin cells on your face and neck.
So gentle, but so effective, like a buffing polish for your face, gently removing dead skin cells, revealing the fresher and more vibrant skin below.
This skin polish helps to prevent blocked skin pores and leading to a fresh and pure complexion.
Gently cleanse your face, preferably with a gentle face wash such as Naturally Balmy's Natural Facial Wash Base. Rinse with warm water and apply the exfoliator to slightly damp skin. Gently, in a circular and upwards motion, massage into the skin and rinse with clean warm water. Follow with a toner and moisturiser for best results.
Repeat every 4 - 5 days to maintain a healthy and vibrant complexion.
Blend with essential oils to create uplifting or reassuring blends. Oils such as Orange can be used to help stimulate the blood flow in the skin, further enhancing the beauty properties.
Carrier oils can be added to improve moisturisation, but be aware that too much oil could clog the newly opened skin cells, so just a small amount (around 0.5%) is probably the most appropriate amount to blend in the exfoliate.
Blending is easily achieved by stirring in your desired oils, slowly with a clean spoon, or shaking the bottle / jar vigorously
12 - 18 months